There has been a lot of talk lately in the philanthropy world about major giving. Recent trends point to a slowdown in giving at the annual giving, and an increasing reliance on smaller pools of major donors. Is the sky really falling? If you’re seeing these changes in giving behavior at your nonprofit, what are some steps you can take to get ahead of them? That’s what we sat down to discuss with our resident major gifts guru, Kristin Priest.
You’ll Come Away Learning:
- Industry trends related to major gifts
- How to overcome common barriers to success
- How to identify rockstar MGO’s
If you’re hungry for more, check out our last episode on matching gifts 101 with our friends at Double the Donation. Listen to it in the car, on the train to work, while you’re doing the laundry or while taking a walk. We hope you enjoy it! Be sure to subscribe in your favorite podcast player like iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher.
Feel like you should be raising more from major gifts, but not sure what to do? Pursuant’s Major Gift Maximizer was designed to help you with a combination of advanced analytics & experienced counsel. Learn more here or reach out to a member of our team at info@pursuant.wpengine.com.